PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Routing Control

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Routing Control

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Routing Control

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The distance between ports is only of use if it is based on a route which goes the intended way and controlling the way a route 'goes' is achieved by adjusting Routing Options. In this topic the following aspects of working the applications routing controls are covered:-


Setting Routing Options - enable or disable the use of geographical locations to control the route used.

Default Routing Options - specify a preferred set of routing options to be used.

Favourite Routing Points - configure a subset of frequently used routing points for quick access.

Routing Point Locations - show the geographical location of a routing point on the map.

Routing Point Display - configure the display of routing points as a hierarchical grouping or simple list optionally sorted alphabetically.

Routing Point Filter Text - restrict the list of displayed routing points to those whose names contains specified text.

Routing Control Options - an explanation of the three routing control options.


Setting Routing Options


Routing Control

Routing Points are listed in a grid style control and can either be listed alphabetically or grouped within a number of categories. The check box column indicates whether the Routing Option is in use or a Routing Point is Open (checked) or Closed (unchecked).


An 'Open' Routing Point can be used when a route and distance is calculated, if 'Closed' then an alternative route will be calculated avoiding that point if possible.


Routing options when altered are applied to the destination port.


If a specific port, other than the first port, is selected within the ports list, the routing options are set for that selected port.


If only two ports are included with the list, changes to routing options are always applied to the destination port if neither port is selected.


If no port is selected, routing options are applied to all ports if the list if permitted by the relevant System Option.


If no port is selected and the System Options do not permit routing to be applied to all ports, then the changes to the routing have no immediate impact but those routing options will be applied to the next port added to or insert within the voyage.

Route Options Apply 1

Route Options Apply 2

In both the cases illustrated, a change in the routing options would adjust the route between Copenhagen and Chiba.


Default Routing Options


Route Options Default

The Default Routing Point options set when the application is run can be configured by opening or closing Routing Points until the required settings are achieved and then selecting Set Default Options from the Context menu.


The current route options can be reset to these default values when required by selecting Reset to User Default Options and can be set to the System default options by selecting Reset to System Default Options.


Favourite Routing Points


Route Options Add to Favourites

Route Options Remove From Favourites

The Routing Control includes a 'Favourites' category to which can be added those Routing Points which are frequently used.  Use the 'Context Menu' on the required Routing Point and select 'Add to Favourites'.


A similar Context menu on the Routing Points listed under the Favourites list is used to Remove previously added items to the list.



Routing Point Locations

Route Options Show On Map

Whilst the geographical location of many of the commonly used routing points will be familiar to most users, the application provides the ability to display the routing point location on the map if required.


Select 'Show Location On Map' from the 'Context Menu' on the list of routing points and one or more 'markers' is displayed on the map at the relevant location.


These 'markers' can be removed from the map, by selecting the 'Clear Location From Map' from the same 'Context Menu'. This option will clear the map of all markers regardless of which routing point was shown.


Markers are displayed in a green colour if the routing point is open and available to route through, or in red if closed.

Click on the image to display an enlarged version
Dover Strait Routing Point Location

Where a Routing Point is described in the list as a single location but controls multiple routing waypoints, more than one marker is displayed. In the example shown here, the Traffic Schemes map overlay has been made visible showing that the Dover Strait routing point controls both the North-East and South-West bound routing points.


The information panel in the lower left corner of the map summarises the points displayed. Hovering the mouse over an individual marker will restrict the information displayed to that relating to the relevant point.



Routing Point  Display Options


Route Options Grouped

The available routing points can be displayed grouped as an alternative to the Alphabetic list by clicking the Group button. When grouped, use the 'Context Menu' to access options to expand or collapse all groups.


Toggle the A-Z button to switch between the default display order and an Alphabetically sorted list. The 'Control' options are always displayed at the top of the list regardless of the sorting.


Route Options Drop Down Menu

The list of routing points displayed can be restricted to those most commonly used by checking the 'Simple Routing' option on the drop down menu.  By reducing the number of Routing Points listed, finding the one you want to amend when scrolling the list will be faster, however, when you need ultimate control over the route, this option can be unchecked to provide access to all available Routing Points.


The Show Category, Show Group Type and Show Geographical Area options control the display of the relevant columns in the Routing Point list.


Routing Point Filter Text

Route Options Filtered

The listed Routing Points can be restricted to those whose names contain a specified string of characters. The filtering is not case sensitive.


In the example shown here, the Points listed are just those whose name contains 'Cape'.


To return the display to show all Routing Points, clear the filter text string.




Routing Control Options


Env/Nav/Reg Routing

When checked routes calculated by the software will take into account the potential for Environmental Impact, based on current Navigational best practice and Regulatory requirements. Refer to Routing Control - Env/Nav/Reg Routing for further details.


Anti-Piracy Routing

When checked the software will route around the high-risk Indian Ocean piracy area where possible. Refer to Routing Control - Anti-Piracy Routing for further details.

ASL Compliance

When checked, the software respects the regulations imposed for use of the Archipelagic Sea Lanes through the Indonesian Sea. Refer to Routing Control - ASL Compliance for further details.