PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Map Overlays

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Map Overlays

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Map Overlays

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The Map Overlays and Zone Scanning section of the Home ribbon tab provide the ability to control the display of the following overlays:-


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Loadline Zones

In addition to simply being displayed, routes can be scanned to establish the Loadline Zones they cross. The scanning process determines the distance to each zone boundary and from that the ETA at that location can be determined.


With the overlay visible, the Loadline Zone Information and Location Properties windows provide additional information.

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Emission Control Areas

The map overlay displays Emission Control Areas currently in effect. With the overlay visible, the Location Properties window provides additional information.


Routes can also be scanned to establish the Emission Control Areas they cross. The scanning process determines the distance to and within each area.  A full analysis is displayed in the ECA Mileages dockable window.


An alert can also be displayed if a route passes through an ECA if the appropriate system option is enabled regardless of whether the ECA overlay is visible or if the ECA scanning option is set.

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Indian Ocean Piracy Area

The Piracy Zone overlay displays the area which routes will avoid where possible when the Anti-Piracy routing option is enabled.

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Marpol Zones

As with Loadline Zones and Emission Control Areas, the route can be scanned to establish the Marpol Zones crossed.


With the overlay visible, the Location Properties window provides additional information.

Click on the image to display an enlarged version
JWC Piracy Areas

An alert can also be displayed if a route passes through any JWC Piracy area if the appropriate system option is enabled regardless of whether this overlay is visible.


This area is not available for inclusion in the route scanning process.

Click on the image to display an enlarged version
International  Navigating Conditions

As with the JWC Piracy areas, an alert can also be displayed if a route passes through any International Navigating Conditions (01/11/03) Area if the appropriate system option is enabled regardless of whether this overlay is visible.


This area is not available for inclusion in the route scanning process.