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Map - Location Properties

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Map - Location Properties

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Map - Location Properties

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World Map Context Menu

Click with the right mouse button on the map and the context menu is displayed. The listed options are disabled if not appropriate to the location or the circumstances at the time the menu is opened.


The Location Properties option on the map context menu is enabled if any of the Marine Information overlays is visible.

Click on the image to display an enlarged version
Map Location Properties

Further information about the features displayed on Marine Information overlays can be displayed by selecting the Location Properties option on the map context menu.


Features at the geographical location on the map at which the mouse was clicked to display the context menu will be detailed.

Click on the image to display an enlarged version
Map Location Features

The displayed dialog shows the geographical location to which the information relates.


All features from the visible overlays at that location are listed. By selecting an item in the list further information is displayed for each where available.


Please Note - Features from overlays that are not visible are not included.