PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Editor Waypoints List

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Editor Waypoints List

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Editor Waypoints List

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Route Editing - Editor Waypoints Grid

The list of all waypoints that comprise the route are displayed in a dockable window that can be repositioned and/or resized as required.


The list includes columns detailing the following:


Waypoint Name - For a 'significant' waypoint this will display the name of the port, or routing point or any name assigned by editing the waypoint properties.

Position - the waypoint latitude and longitude

GC - if the check box is ticked, a Great Circle is used is used to calculate the route and distance from the previous waypoint

To Prev - shows the distance to the previous waypoint

Total - shows the cumulative distance from the start of the route to the waypoint.


By right clicking on the list, the context menu provides access to a number of areas of functionality including the ability to delete selected waypoints(s), clear any currently selected waypoints, to centre the map on a selected waypoint and to access the Waypoint Properties dialog. The Cut, Copy and Paste options are described in more detail in the Route Snippets topic.


At the bottom of the list the distances are displayed showing:

The total distance for the edited route

The original unedited route distance

The difference between the two

If a contiguous block of waypoints are selected, the distances between those is also displayed.


The grid does support 'in-place' editing of the Waypoint Name, Geographical Position and the Great Circle indicator.  If using this functionality, please note that you can cancel the editing of a cell by pressing the ESCAPE key. If the UP or DOWN arrow keys are then used to move to the previous or next waypoint, the application remains in edit mode to allow the next value to be altered. To cancel editing completely and revert to using the UP and DOWN arrow keys to scroll through the waypoint list, press ESCAPE twice.