PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

ECA Mileages

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ECA Mileages

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ECA Mileages

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Emission Control Area (ECA) mileages will not be available for a voyage until the Route has been scanned with settings which include the ECAs. This is explained in more detail in the Route Scanning topic, and further details of the current areas included are available in the ECA Areas help topic.


The ECA Mileages dockable window displays the following information:


The distance from the start of the voyage to the entry of the first ECA encountered, in the example here that is 0 miles because the departure port for the voyage, Copenhagen, is within the Baltic zone.


The total mileage within all ECAs is displayed below which, in an expandable panel, is the analysis of the total ECA mileage between each zone. The panel is expanded or collapse by clicking the button highlighted in the screen shot.


The total mileage outside of any ECA is also displayed as is the total voyage distance.


For voyages involving calls at a number of ports, the individual analysis of ECA mileages for each voyage leg is available by selecting the relevant voyage Leg row within the Voyage Summary, by selecting the first row in that table, the analysis for the entire voyage is displayed.



SECA Mileages