PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

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System Options

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System Options Voyage Calculations

Voyage Port Selection


Select Port Context Menu Item Limit - controls the number of recently used port names appearing on the Enter Port Name field right-click context menu.


RETURN on empty Port Name' calculates voyage - When checked, pressing RETURN or the ENTER key if no port name is selected will cause the voyage distance(s) to be calculated.


Voyage Calculation Options


Warn when crossing ECAs, JWC Piracy or IWC areas - When checked the route on which the distance is based will be reviewed to establish if it passes through any of these areas and an alert displayed below the map if it does.  If required, the route can be edited to to avoid or reduce mileage within those areas.


Voyage Duration


Default Speed - The software will select this speed as the default when started.


Routing Options Behaviour


Reset Routing Options to default on new voyage - when checked, the routing options are reset to their default values when the New Voyage button is used to start a new voyage.


Apply Routing Options to all ports if none selected - if this option is checked, routing options, when altered, are applied to all ports in the voyage list if no specific port is selected.


Vessel Information


Default Length (Metres) - The specified length is only used to determine the active Loadline Zone for those zones where applicable. The length can be changed within the Loadline Zone Information window.


System Options General


Save application layout on Exit - when checked, the current layout of the Dockable Windows are saved and restored next time the application is run.


Save application settings on Exit - when checked, the current state of most of the application settings are saved and restored next time the application is run.


Save current application settings as defaults - If you do not wish to preserve the current settings when existing the application, but prefer the software to start with the same setting each time, the 'Save application settings option on Exit' can be unchecked and having configures the options to your preferences, they can be saved with this option and then each time the software is run, it will start up with those settings.


Restore last saved application settings - the current settings will be restored to those last saved.


Restore application default settings - reset all settings to their default values.