PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

View Subscription Usage Chart

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View Subscription Usage Chart

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View Subscription Usage Chart

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The View Usage Chart option, available by clicking File -> Help -> View Usage Chart in the application and also from within the Subscription Management pages on the website, allows you to view the pattern of subscription usage by graphing the number of distance calculations performed during the subscription year.


Click on the image to display an enlarged version
Weekly Subscription Usage

In addition to a bar graph showing the number of distance calculations performed for each week plotted against the vertical axis on the left side of the chart, two line graphs show the cumulative number of distances calculated and the inverse of that, namely the number of calculations remaining within the subscription. These are extrapolated based on a simple average usage for historical part of the subscription and plotted against a secondary vertical axis on the right side of the chart.


The bar graph of usage allows any trends, for example a steady increase or decrease, in the number of calculations being performed to be visually identified and helps to indicate when the current number of available distance calculations may be used up.


By hovering the mouse over a particular column, a visual hint of the number of calculations represented by that column is displayed.



Click on the image to display an enlarged version
Monthly Subscription Usage

In addition to the weekly grouping, the usage data can be displayed grouped by Day or Month to include more of less detail.


When viewing the usage grouped by Day, it may be helpful to use the Zoom In/Out buttons in the top right corner of the chart to allow any particular time period to be enlarged and viewed in more detail.


Alternatively, by clicking and dragging the mouse from left to right across the chart, you can highlight and zoom in on a particular period of time. The slider bar between the dates displayed on the horizontal axis can be used to pan the visible date range and by dragging the ends of the bar the start and end dates of the displayed range can be adjusted.



Click on either of the images to view an enlarged image.