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Dockable Windows

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Dockable Windows

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Dockable Windows

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The application organises it's information into a number of Dockable Windows whose position and size can be adjusted while the application is running. The layout can be preserved between sessions by setting the 'Save application layout on Exit' within the 'Application Settings' section of the System Options.


Docking Panels Layouts and Visibility

Windows can be visible, hidden, pinned or aimlessly floating on the surface of the application.


The Visibility of the panels can be controlled by the check boxes in the Dockable Panels section of the Ribbon Home Tab.

Docking Panels Controls

The buttons in the top right corner of the window provide the ability to:


control the state of the window, see below

pin the window to the side or bottom of the screen

close the window (not available for the Route Builder window).


Docking Panels Controls Menu

'Dockable' is the normal state for visible Windows when starting to use the software.


'Floating' detaches the window from a specific location within the layout and 'floats it' on top of the other windows. Once made Floating, you must display the Context Menu by Right-Clicking on the floating window header and select 'Dockable' before the window can be re-docked within the layout.


'Tabbed Document' will place it alongside the Map in the main body of the screen.


'Auto hide' will pin the Window to the side of the screen and expand it into view when the mouse pointer moves over it, allowing its contents to be viewed and worked with and then hidden again when another window is focussed.


'Hide' is equivalent to using the Ribbon check boxes to control the visibility of the Window.

Docking Panels Dock Window

Windows that are 'Dockable'  can be moved around the screen by clicking and dragging their title bar.


As they are moved around the screen, docking indicators display where they can be dropped onto or within other windows.


In the example shown, the Voyage Duration window is about to be docked in the bottom part of the Route Builder Window, the other options being to the top, left or right of that window, of to form a tabbed document layout if dropped on the central squarish area.

Save Layout Button With Dropdown

The current position, size and visibility of Dockable Windows can be preserved by using the Save Layout 'split' button.


This button consists of two parts, the top half, when clicked, saves the current settings which can then be Loaded at a later time to restore the current settings. When the bottom half of the button is clicked, a drop down menu is displayed containing an options to save the current layout to a 'named' layout.

Save Named Layout

Clicking the 'Save Named Layout' option displays a dialog which allows a name to be specified to describe that layout. This 'name' will be displayed on the drop down menu for the Load Layout button as shown below. If the name specified is already in use, a warning message is displayed and the layout will be overwritten if you choose to Continue and save the layout.


A maximum of 15 named layouts can be used and the Save Named Layout option will be disabled if that number of saved layouts already exist.

Load Layout Button With Dropdown

The last saved layout can be Loaded (restored) by clicking the top part of the Load Layout split button.


By clicking the bottom half of the button, a drop down menu displays a list of the available layouts that can be loaded. Layout names are listed alphabetically.


The layout can be restored to the default layout for the software by clicking the 'System Default' option. The 'Last Saved' option provides the same functionality as simply clicking the top half of the button.  If a 'current' layout has not been saved, this option is disabled as illustrated in this screen image.


Below those two options, the specifically named layouts are listed (if any have been saved). In this screen image two layouts named 'Minimal' and 'Ports' have previously been saved and are available to be loaded.

Dialog Launcher Button

The list of available layouts can be managed by clicking the Dialog Launcher button in the bottom right corner of the Dockable Panels ribbon section which will display the Maintain Layouts window.

Maintain Layouts

The Maintain Layouts window allows previously named layouts to be deleted or renamed.


Layouts are deleted by selecting one from the list displayed and clicking the 'Delete' button. Once deleted, the layout cannot be retrieved. You are prompted to confirm the deletion.


To rename a layout, enter a new name in the Layout Name edit box and click the 'Rename' button.


The System Default and Last Saved named layouts cannot be deleted or renamed.