PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Route Snippets

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Route Snippets

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Route Snippets

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Route Snippets are a collection of waypoints. They can be created by selecting one or more waypoints from a route and selecting the Copy option from the context menu, then selecting the Paste option from a similar context menu within the Route Snippet panel.  The functionality follows the usual Windows concept of Cut, Copy and Paste.


The context menu also provides the ability to Reverse the order of selected waypoints when copied or to reverse the order of all waypoints in the Route Snippet.


When Pasting waypoints into a snippet or a route, they are inserted above the currently selected waypoint. The Append option on the context menu allows them to be added to the end of the snippet or route.


The ability to Save and Load a snippet provides the ability to create a preferred route and then to re-use that at a later date.