PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Waypoint Context Menu

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Waypoint Context Menu

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Route Editing - Waypoint Context Menu

Click with the Right mouse button on the map and a context menu provides access to a number of actions that can be performed. Most are dependent upon have an existing waypoint selected.  If no waypoint is currently selected, most of the options will be disabled.


Delete Selected - will, as you might expect, delete the selected waypoint from the route


Delete To Start - will delete all waypoints between the selected waypoint and the start of the route, the selected waypoint and the first waypoint in the route remain


Delete to End - will delete all waypoints between the selected waypoint and the end of the route, the selected waypoint and the last waypoint in the route remain


Start route here - Similar to delete to start, but this option also removes the first waypoint in the route leaving you with just the waypoints and distance to the destination, or as often referred to a Point- to-Port distance


Terminate route here - Similar to delete to end, but this option also removes the last waypoint in the route leaving you with just the waypoints from the first and thus a Port-To-Point distance



The Insert Waypoint option provides complete control over the details of the inserted waypoint by allowing the exact position to be specified and is fully described in the Insert Waypoints topic.


Toggle Great Circle allows the distance and route between the previous waypoint and the selected waypoint to be calculated based on either a Great Circle or Rhumb Line.


Divert to New Destination provides the ability to specify a position within a route where a vessel is diverted to a new destination port. This is described in more detail in the Divert to New Destination topic.


The Properties option displays the Waypoint Properties dialog allowing the selected waypoints details to be edited.