PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Divert To New Destination

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Divert To New Destination

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Divert To New Destination

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Route Editing - Divert To New Destination

Getting a distance from a diversion point to a new destination is achieved by editing a route to the original destination, inserting a waypoint at the position where the vessel diverts to the new port and then selecting "Divert To New Destination" from the context menu.



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New York to Gothenburg route with a divert mid-atlantic to Rotterdam

In this example, we start by calculating a distance from Houston to Gothenburg which is then edited and a waypoint inserted mid-Atlantic at the position where the vessel changes course as a result of instructions to divert to Rotterdam.





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New York to Gothenburg route with the route to Rotterdam calculated

Having selected Rotterdam as the new destination port, the Calculate button can be clicked to generate a route and distance to Rotterdam.  The original part of the route from the diversion point to Gothenburg are removed from the map and the suggested route to the new destination displayed.


The total distance and distances to the diversion point and from there to the destination are displayed which allow a comparison between alternative routes when adjusting the routing options.


Those routing options are enabled as soon as a valid destination port is selected.


In this instance it can be seen that the route to Rotterdam is using the English Channel. There is clearly an alternative route to Rotterdam by routing North of Scotland so at this point we can note that the distance to Rotterdam is around 5,265Nm.

Click on the image to display an enlarged version
New York to Gothenburg route with the route to Rotterdam calculated routing via the North of Scotland

Using the Filter text box above the Routing Options, we enter "do" to restrict the list of displayed points and quickly locate the Dover Strait routing point, Close it by clicking on the check box and click the Calculate button again to see the affect.


We now have an alternative route to Rotterdam routing North of Scotland and showing a slightly increased distance of 5,372Nm, an increase of just over 100Nm.


Routing via the English Channel and Dover is preferred, so we re-open the Dover Strait routing point and click the calculate button again to get back to that route and click the OK button to complete the diversion process.

Click on the image to display an enlarged version
New York to Gothenburg route with the diversion route to Rotterdam accepted

At the bottom of the list of route waypoints, the original distance for the route from Houston to Gothenburg is displayed together with the distance for the edited route from Houston to Rotterdam indicating that the new voyage route is approximately 40 Nm shorter.


This particular example needs no further editing in order to get a representative distance, however, in some cases further editing of the route may be required and we recommend that you take a moment to look at the displayed route to see if any further editing might produce a better route.