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Ports and Codes

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Ports and Codes

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Ports and Codes

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The web service handles references to Ports using the concept of Port codes


Some ports in the tables are 'Alias' ports. These are generally alternative names (or differently spelled names) for other ports in the tables. An 'Alias' port always has it's own code but will be resolved internally into a reference to the master port. As an example, Chi-lung is an alias port for Keelung


Each Port has a code consisting of 2 ASCII characters and 4 digits, the 2 characters represent the 'country' and the 4 digits the port number within that 'country'


Examples are:




The 21st recorded port in Denmark



The 18th recorded port in Japan


Port codes seldom if ever change although occasionally the position of a port can change.


Port codes and other information for all the ports in the tables may be retrieved using GetAllPorts and selectively by using GetPorts