PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

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A new version of the software is normally released every 2-3 months including the latest version of the Distance Tables. Details of the Distance Tables updates can be viewed on our website on the Distance Tables Release Information page


The February 2014 release includes a number of enhancements.


An additional map overlay detailing the International Navigating Conditions (01/11/03) Areas (IWCs) is now included.


When calculating a distance, the user can be alerted to the fact that the route transits an IWC, ECA or JWC area.


Within the Ports Grid, filtering on the port name or country now excludes any non-alphabetic characters in the port and country and filter search text.  For example, a search string of USA will also match names containing U.S.A.; dar es will locate Dar-Es-Salaam.  The search text remains case-insensitive.


The Sound and Korsor (Great Belt) routing points are now included within the available list of Simple Routing points; it is no longer necessary to switch to the full list of routing points to access those options.


August 2013 saw significant enhancements to the Marine Information layers with the addition of Shipping Fairways, Development Areas, Recommended Routes, Restricted Areas and Areas to be Avoided.  When displayed, these help to illustrate why routes in many areas are not simple 'straight' lines and why any such route would produce a shorter and inaccurate distance.


In June 2013 enhancements to the functionality included:-


Route Editing has been extended to allow a series of waypoints to be copied to or from a 'Route Snippet' and pasted into routes being edited.  These have many uses, for example, providing the ability to create a preferred route through the Indian Ocean respecting your own anti-piracy routing policies.

The ability to save and load your preferred layout of the dockable panels was also added.

The December 2012 update is another significant update to our Online Distance Tables and PortToPort software by adding the following functionality:-


Route Editing now allows routes derived from the Distance Tables to be edited as required by inserting, deleting or moving waypoints to provide an approximate distance for deviations or diversions,  when wanting a distance to a specified geographical location or for a route which avoids any area of interest (for example Emission Control Areas [ECAs] or Piracy Zones).

Map display is now capable of being panned across the International Date Line significantly the view of a pacific based route.

Subscription usage can be viewed graphically on a calculation usage chart.



The April 2012 update to our Online Distance Tables or PortToPort software added the following functionality:-


Simplified Subscription/Licensing Model

Multiple Port Voyages

Access to all Routing Points

Favourite Routing Points

Route Scanning against ECAs, Loadline, Marpol and Indian Ocean Piracy Zone

Marine Information map overlays

Save and Open Voyage Ports lists

Print Voyage Report

Save Voyage Reports to PDF files

Export Voyage data to a spreadsheet for further analysis