PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Online Distance Tables Subscription

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Online Distance Tables Subscription

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Online Distance Tables Subscription

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Setting up a subscription with AtoBviaC Ltd is free* and easy to do.


* A subscription can be created free of charge to "demo" the software. A demo subscription can use all of the features of the full Online Distance Tables, but is limited to calculating distances between just 6 ports: Chiba, Copenhagen, LOOP Terminal, Melbourne, Novorossiysk and Port Rashid. A demo subscription can be upgraded to a full subscription with the purchase of a block of Online Distances.


What does a subscription consist of?


Access keys for our tools. Every subscription will have a "demo" access key. Once you have purchased a block of distance calculations you will also have a "live" key which removes all the restrictions from the software.

The ability to purchase and top up blocks of distance calculations for use with the tools published by us or third parties.


What are the available tools?


The Online Distance Tables: an online application implemented in Microsoft Silverlight, allowing access to the Distance tables from a compatible web browser. This includes most web browsers for Windows, and Safari on Mac.


Due to the age and unsupported status of Silverlight, some web browser software vendors have recently begun cutting support for the technology. If this applies to your chosen web browser, then unfortunately you will need to access the Online Distance Tables using another browser (on Windows you can use Internet Explorer; on Mac you can use Safari). Please be assured that we are working on updating the Online Distance Tables to newer technology.


Silverlight Distance Tables


The AtoBviaC Web Service: a fully functional web service, designed to allow third parties to build applications that incorporate the distance tables. The screen shot below is of the Demo application, which is supplied on request (including the source code).


Web Service demo


What are Distance Calculations and how to we manage these?


A Distance calculation is made and 1 distance is deducted from your subscription total when the following conditions are met:-


1.Immediately after logging in with a 'live' access key when you first calculate a distance between any of the ports in the tables using any of our tools.

2.When a subsequent calculation uses a different port pair than the previous calculation. You can vary the route between the same two ports without charge so long as the port names do not change.


The available distance count is for your subscription and is independent of the number of users that have access to the subscription. Thus you can have a number of users accessing the Silverlight version and a number of users accessing the Web Service through custom software. Any of these users may cause the count of available distances to decrease by 1 when they calculate a distance, based on the rules above.


All of the products will stop working when your number of distances available reaches zero. You can purchase more distances at any time. Distances are available in blocks of 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000, 25000 and 50000; discounts apply when buying larger blocks.


Any block of distance calculations purchased is valid for 1 year. The available distance count will be reset to zero exactly 1 year after you last made a purchase of a block of distances, unless exceptional circumstances apply.


What information is stored and accessible through a subscription?


Apart from the usual contact information the following information will be contained in your subscription:-


Demo AtoBviaC Access Key

This key will allow you to try out all the tools and products using a number of demonstration ports. No distances will be deducted from your subscription whilst you are logged in using this key. The only ports available in the tools will be Chiba, Copenhagen, LOOP Terminal, Melbourne, Novorossiysk and Port Rashid.

Live AtoBviaC Access Key

The unique access key for your Subscription, that unlocks all the functionality in the tools. Calculations made when logged in with this key will be charged (deducted) from your total available distance count. This key will be generated the first time you purchase a block of distances and will remain the same unless the Company name of the subscription is changed.

Expiry Date

The date that your subscription expires. Subscriptions last for 1 year after the date they were created. After this period has expired, the number of distance calculations you are able to make will be reset to 0 unless exceptional circumstances apply.

Distances remaining

The number of distance calculations remaining until the subscription expires. Distance calculations last for 1 year from the date of purchase of the distances (when you purchase a new block of distances, your subscription expiry date will automatically be reset to 1 year from the purchase date). Unless exceptional circumstances apply, any calculations remaining at the end of the annual period will not be carried forward to the next year.

Subscription Blocked

Your subscription has been blocked for some reason. If this has happened then you should contact AtoBviaC Ltd and discuss the reason.

Can see Maps

Applies to the Web Service only. If this flag is set you will have full access to the Mapping system. This flag only applies to a login with the "live" access key - maps will always be available when logged into the Web Service with the demo key. You can enable mapping in your subscription for a nominal annual charge charge.

Can see Routes

Applies to the Web Service only. If this flag is set you will have access to the route used to obtain the distance. The number of waypoints in the route returned will vary depending on the setting of the Minimum waypoints spacing setting. This flag only applies to a login with the "live" access key, routes will always be available when logged into the Web Service with the demo key. There is an additional charge to obtain routes that will ultimately depend on the waypoint spacing that you choose. Contact AtoBviaC Ltd for details.

Minimum Waypoint Spacing

Applies to the Web Service only. Will determine the minimum spacing between the waypoints returned. Scanner and major waypoints will always be included. The minimum value for this property is 1 mile spacing and the maximum is 512. This value only applies to a login with the "live" access key - routes obtained when logged into the Web Service with the demo key will have a spacing of 50 miles.

Maximum Service Connections

Applies to the Web Service only. This is the number of simultaneous connections to the Web Service you are allowed. The default is 5.