PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Assisted Routing

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Assisted Routing

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Assisted Routing

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The AtoBviaC Distance Tables fully respect all regulatory and recommend routing for vessels including the correct use of Traffic Separation Shemes (TSSs). To avoid having to think about the direction of travel and which point to use when routing via a location where a TSS might apply, the software will automatically work out the correct point to use.


Copenhagen to New York

For example, a voyage between Copenhagen and New York, would by default route North of Scotland.

Routing via Dover Straits

To route through the Dover Straits, Dover Strait - Routing can be included within the voyage, in this example inserted between Copenhagen and New York

Dover Straits

The software will resolve that into the appropriate use of the South West bound routing point.

Alexandria, Egypt to Beira

As a further example, a route from Alexandria, Egypt to Beira using the default routing options will route through the Suez Canal.

Alexandria, Egypt to Beira avoiding the Suez Canal

But can be adjusted to route via the Cape of Good Hope, by inserting the Gibraltar routing point into the voyage.  Again, the software takes care of working out whether the West Bound or East Bound TSS should be used.


A full list of the routing points which are dependent on the direction of travel and the Assisted Routing point which may be used are :-


Assisted Routing Point

Directional Routing Points

The Sound(Helsingor) - Routing

The Sound(Helsingor) - N bound

The Sound(Helsingor) - S bound

Korsor - Routing

Korsor - N bound

Korsor - S bound

Dover Strait - Routing

Dover - NE bound

Dover - SW bound

Fair Isle - Routing

Fair Isle - South Passage

Fair Isle - North Passage - W bound

Tuskar Rock - Routing

Tuskar Rock - N bound

Tuskar Rock - S bound

Fastnet - Routing

Fastnet - E bound

Fastnet - W bound

Longships - Routing

Longships - N Bound

Longships - S Bound

Bishop Rock - South - Routing

Bishop Rock - South - E bound

Bishop Rock - South - W bound

Bishop Rock - West - Routing

Bishop Rock - West - N bound

Bishop Rock - West - S bound

Ushant - Routing

Ushant - NE bound

Ushant - SW bound

Finisterre - Routing

Finisterre - N bound

Finisterre - S bound

Old Bahama Channel - Routing

Old Bahama Channel - N bound

Old Bahama Channel - S bound

Mona Passage - Routing

Mona Passage East

Mona Passage West

Gibraltar - Routing

Gibraltar - E bound

Gibraltar - W bound

Bonifacio Strait - Routing

Bonifacio Strait - E bound

Bonifacio Strait - W bound

Messina Strait - Routing

Messina Strait - N bound

Messina Strait - S bound

Dardanelles - Routing

Dardanelles - N bound

Dardanelles - S bound

Bosporus - Routing

Bosporus - N bound

Bosporus - S bound

Red Sea Southern - Routing

Red Sea Southern - N bound

Red Sea Southern - S bound

Quoins - Routing

Quoins - E bound

Quoins - W bound

Singapore - Routing

Singapore East(Horsborough) E bound

Singapore East(Horsborough) W bound

Singapore West(The Brothers) - NW Bound

Singapore West(The Brothers) - SE Bound

Misaki - E. Entrance To JIS - Routing

Misaki - E. Entrance To JIS TSS N bound

|Misaki - E. Entrance To JIS TSS S bound

Belle Isle Strait - Routing

Belle Isle Strait - NE bound

Belle Isle Strait - SW bound

Route B West of Laeso Island - Routing

Route B West of Laeso Island - North bound

Route B West of Laeso Island - South bound

Gulf of Aden Transit Corridor - Routing

Gulf of Aden Transit Corridor - East Bound Entrance

Gulf of Aden Transit Corridor - West Bound Entrance

North Cape - Routing

North Cape - East bound

North Cape - West bound

North Cape - Inshore - Routing

North Cape - Inshore - East Bound

North Cape - Inshore - West Bound

Terschellinger Bank - Routing

Terschellinger Bank - NE Bound

Terschellinger Bank - SW Bound

Hainan Island - Routing

Hainan Island - East Bound

Hainan Island - West Bound