The web service can, if your subscription supports it, returned an image of the route used to obtain a distance.
Currently map images are only returned as part of a DistanceResult when a distance request is made using GetShortestDistance, GetShortestDistanceVia or GetDistanceUsingRouting
Maps may be requested with a maximum height of 1920 pixels and a maximum width of 2048 pixels, the minimum height and width is 128 pixels.
Maps can be returned in PNG, GIF or JPG format and can be in the format of a World Map or can be zoomed to encompass the extent of the route.
Information layers such as the Seca/Eca areas and Loadline zones can be used.
A representative map is shown below, this is zoomed to the route and shows the Seca/Eca areas and Loadlines:
Mapping options are controlled by the MapDetails record.