Web Service

Error Codes

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Error Codes

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Error Codes

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These are the error codes returned by the web service, an error code is always negative. Depending on the method called they may be returned as an integer or a double, the value however will always be the integer representation.


Error Code







The AtoBviaCAccessKey was null or did not exist




Incorrect length for AtoBviaCAccessKey




The AtoBviaCAccessKey is invalid.



Web Service

The maximum number of permitted connections to the web service has been reached.




Internal error during login attempt.  Contact AtoBviaC  for help.



Web Service

The AtoBviaCToken is invalid.


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Web Service

The subscription is invalid


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Web Service

The subscription has been blocked


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Web Service

No remaining distances for this subscription


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Web Service

The subscription has expired


Get a distance

Web Service

Invalid port codes for a Demo system


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Web Service

"From" port not valid


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Web Service

"To" port not valid


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Web Service

There is no distance available between these two ports.


Get a distance

Web Service

Internal error calculation distance. Contact AtoBviaC  for help.


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Web Service

"Via" code is not valid


Get a distance

Web Service

Subscription does not allow return of Waypoint data.


Get a distance

Web Service

Subscription does not allow Mapping.


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Web Service

From and To ports are identical.


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Web Service

Via Ports cannot be used as either From or To ports.

Note: This is the same error code as "connection has been cleared" - this is not a mistake. Examine the "route description" text to distinguish between these two errors.


Get a distance

Web Service

Connection has been cleared.

Note: This is the same error code as "via ports cannot be used as either From or To ports" - this is not a mistake. Examine the "route description" text to distinguish between these two errors.



Web Service

Not a valid length



Web Service

Invalid numeric value for Primary Codes



Web Service

Incorrect number of primary codes



Web Service

Invalid Advanced routing code string length



Web Service

Invalid primary routing code (text error has the exact position)



Web Service

Invalid Advanced routing code (text error has the exact position)