PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Voyage Leg Summary

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Voyage Leg Summary

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Voyage Leg Summary

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Voyage Summary

The Voyage Leg Summary dockable window will be of most use for those occasions where a voyage involves calls at more than two ports.


In the example shown here, the distance for a voyage between Copenhagen, Yabucoa, LOOP, Barbers Point and Los Angeles has been calculated and the summary displays a row for each voyage leg. This easily allows the distance for each leg and the ETA at each destination port to be determined.


For each leg, the departure port, date/time of departure, destination, distance, ETA and any In Port time at the destination is listed.



Further information about each voyage leg is available by selecting the leg of interest and viewing the appropriate details in either the Voyage Duration, SECA Mileages or Waypoints dockable windows.