PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Routing Control - Anti-Piracy Routing

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Routing Control - Anti-Piracy Routing

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Routing Control - Anti-Piracy Routing

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The Anti-Piracy routing option within the application will, where possible, avoid transiting through the designate area. The display of this area on the map is controlled by the appropriate check box in the Map Overlays and Zone Scanning section of the Home ribbon tab.


Vessels carrying their own security personnel may choose to route within this area and the distance using any alternative route can be established by using the Route Editing functionality within the software.


When calculating distances to ports in Somalia, for example Mogadishu, this option needs to be disabled and for ports in Tanzania the option may best be disabled.


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Anti-Piracy Routing Enabled

With the Anti-Piracy routing option enabled, distances are based on routing north of the area when outside the Gulf of Aden Transit Corridor.

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Anti-Piracy Routing Disabled

With the Anti-Piracy routing option disabled, distances are based on routes which take no account of the piracy risks involved.

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Routing via the Gulf of Aden Transit Corridor

With the Anti-Piracy routing option disabled the Gulf of Aden Transit Corridor can be explicitly specified if required.