PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Ribbon - Map Display Tab

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Ribbon - Map Display Tab

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Ribbon - Map Display Tab

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Ribbon Map Display Tab





Ocean Colour

Click the drop down button and select the colour to be used for display oceanic areas on the map from the displayed colour palette.


Land Colour

Click the drop down button and select the colour to be used for display land areas on the map from the displayed colour palette.


Border Colour

Click the drop down button and select the colour to be used for display land borders on the map from the displayed colour palette.


Route Plotting



Leg Width

Set the width of the lines to used to draw routes on the map. The value can be between 1 and 5.


Waypoint Size

Set the size of the waypoints drawn on the map. A value of 0 to 5 can be specified. A size of zero suppresses the drawing of waypoints.


Route Colours



Rhumb Line

Click the drop down button and select the colour to be used for displaying Rhumb Lines on the map from the displayed colour palette.


Great Circle

Click the drop down button and select the colour to be used for displaying Great Circles on the map from the displayed colour palette.

Waypoint Border


Click the drop down button and from the displayed colour palette, select the waypoint outer border colour to be used when drawing a waypoint.

Waypoint Border


Click the drop down button and from the displayed colour palette, select the waypoint fill colour to be used when drawing a waypoint.

Waypoint Selected


Click the drop down button and from the displayed colour palette, select the waypoint fill colour to be used when drawing a selected waypoint.



Port Name Fonts and Colours


Ribbon Map Port Font Name

Font Name

Click the drop down button and select the font to be used when displaying port names on the map.

Ribbon Map Port Font Size

Font Size

Click the drop down button and select the font size to be used when displaying port names on the map.

Ribbon Map Port Font Bold Italic


Toggle the button to use bold and / or italic font adornments.

Ribbon Map Port Font Colour

Font Colour

Click the drop down button and from the displayed colour palette, select the font colour to be used when displaying the port names.

Ribbon Map Port Font Halo


Toggle the button to use a font halo adornment around the port name.

Ribbon Map Port Font Halo Colour

Halo Colour

Click the drop down button and from the displayed colour palette, select the font colour to be used for the halo to be used around the port names.

Ribbon Map Port Font Halo Size

Halo Size

Click the drop down button and select the halo size to be used when displaying port names on the map.





The behaviour options control how the Map responds to a variety of circumstances.



Zoom To Route

When checked the Map will zoom to the extent of route when it is calculated.


Zoom To Ports

When checked the Map will zoom to the extent of ports entered when adding them to a voyage or when multiple ports are selected in the Ports Data Grid view.


Show Port Names

When checked, port names are displayed on the Map. If unchecked, the port marker is displayed without the name being printed alongside it. This applies to both the ports added to the voyage list and the selected port(s) in the Ports Data Grid view.


Centre On Selected

When checked, the Map is zoomed to display the selected port in the ports data grid in the centre of the map.


Show Waypoint Info

When checked, the waypoint name, position, distance to that waypoint from the start of the voyage and ETA at that location, together with any zone information identified from a route scan is displayed overlaid in the bottom right corner of the map.