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International Navigating Conditions

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International Navigating Conditions

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International Navigating Conditions

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International Navigating Conditions (01/11/03)

The areas are described as follows:-


Area 1 - Arctic


(a) North of 70°N. Latitude

(b) Barents Sea


except for calls at Kola Bay, Murmansk or any port or place in Norway, provided that the vessel does not enter, navigate or remain north of 72° 30’ N Latitude or east of 35° E. Longitude


Area 2 –  Northern Seas


(a) White Sea

(b) Chukchi Sea


Area 3 - Baltic


(a) Gulf of Bothnia north of a line between Umea (63° 50’ N. Latitude) and Vasa (63° 06’ N. Latitude) between 10th December and 25th May

(b) Where the vessel is equal to or less than 90,000 DWT, Gulf of Finland east of 28° 45’ E. Longitude between 15th December and 15th May

(c) Vessels greater than 90,000 DWT may not enter, navigate or remain in the Gulf of Finland east of 28° 45’ E. Longitude at any time

(d) Gulf of Bothnia, Gulf of Finland and adjacent waters north of 59° 24’ N. Latitude between 8th January and 5th May, except for calls at Stockholm, Tallinn or Helsinki

(e) Gulf of Riga and adjacent waters east of 22° E. Longitude and south of 59° N. Latitude between 28th December and 5th May


Area 4 - Greenland


Greenland territorial waters


Area 5 – North America (East)


(a) North of 52° 10’ N. Latitude and between 50° W. Longitude and 100° W. Longitude

(b) Gulf of St. Lawrence, St. Lawrence River and its tributaries (east of Les Escoumins), Strait of Belle Isle (west of Belle Isle), Cabot Strait (west of a line between Cape Ray and Cape North) and Strait of Canso (north of the Canso Causeway), between 21st December and 30th April

(c) St. Lawrence River and its tributaries (west of Les Escoumins) between 1st December and 30th April

(d) St. Lawrence Seaway

(e) Great Lakes


Area 6 – North America (West)


(a) North of 54° 30’ N. Latitude and between 100° W. Longitude and 170° W. Longitude

(b) Any port or place in the Queen Charlotte Islands or the Aleutian Islands


Area 7 – Southern Ocean


South of 50° S. Latitude except within the triangular area formed by rhumb lines drawn between the following points


(a) 50° S. Latitude; 50° W. Longitude

(b) 57° S. Latitude; 67° 30’ W. Longitude

(c) 50° S Latitude; 160° W. Longitude


Area 8 – Kerguelen/Crozet


Territorial waters of Kerguelen Islands and Crozet Islands


Area 9 – East Asia


(a) Sea of Okhotsk north of 55° N. Latitude and east of 140° E. Longitude between 1st November and 1st June

(b) Sea of Okhotsk north of 53° N. Latitude and west of 140° E. Longitude between 1st November and 1st June

(c) East Asian waters north of 46° N. Latitude and west of the Kurile Islands and west of the Kamchatka Peninsula between 1st December and 1st May


Area 10 – Bering Sea


Bering Sea except on through voyages and provided that


(a) the vessel does not enter, navigate or remain north of 54° 30’ N. Latitude; and

(b) the vessel enters and exits west of Buldir Island or through the Amchitka, Amukta or Unimak Passes; and

(c) the vessel is equipped and properly fitted with two independent marine radar sets, a global positioning system receiver (or Loran-C radio positioning receiver), a radio transceiver and GMDSS, a weather facsimile recorder (or alternative equipment for the receipt of weather and routeing information) and a gyrocompass, in each case to be fully operational and manned by qualified personnel; and

(d) the vessel is in possession of appropriate navigational charts corrected up to date, sailing directions and pilot books