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Voyage Reports

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Voyage Reports

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Voyage Reports

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Voyage Summary

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Voyage Summary Report

The Voyage Summary is a single page report commencing with a summary of the voyage detailing the first, last and any other intermediate ports in the voyage, the departure and arrival dates, total steaming time and average voyage speed.


Next follows an analysis of the ECA mileages, detailing the distance steamed before entering the first encountered zone, the distances within each of the zones and the totals thereof. The total mileage outside all zones is also detailed. This information is only available if the voyage has been scanned against ECAs and the mileages will be replaced by the text 'Not Scanned' if that is not the case.


The Loadline Information section details the initial loadline zone, i.e. the zone applicable to the first port in the voyage, the Governing Zone through which the voyages passes which will have an impact on the maximum cargo that can be loaded and a list of all Loadline Zones crossed.


Finally, at the bottom of the page the map is printed for an easy visual appreciation of the route used.

Leg Details Report

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Leg Details

For each voyage leg, the Voyage Leg Details report lists:


From - the name of the departure port

Departing (Z) - the departure date and time

Distance - the distance to the next port in the voyage

To - the name of the next port in the voyage and finally

Arriving (Z) - the arrival date and time


All dates and times are in UTC. No adjustment is made for time zones.

Leg Information Report

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Leg Information

For each voyage leg, the Voyage Leg Information report lists:


From - the name of the departure port

In Port - time spent at the departure port in Days and Hours

Speed - the average speed to the next port in the voyage

Steaming Time - the time take to get to the next port in the voyage and finally

To - the name of the next port in the voyage



Waypoint Details Report

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Waypoint Details

For each significant waypoint in the voyage, the Waypoint Details report lists:


Name - the name of the location, or 'Scanner' if inserted as a result of a voyage scan detecting a change in ECA/Loadline/etc zone

Position - the geographical (Latitude and Longitude) co-ordinates for the waypoint

ETA (Z) - the estimated time of arrival at the waypoint

To Previous - the distance to the previously listed waypoint

To Start - the distance to the starting port of the voyage

To End - the distance to the last port in the voyage

Waypoint Information Report

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Waypoint Information

For each significant waypoint in the voyage, the Waypoint Information report lists:


Name - the name of the location, or 'Scanner' if inserted as a result of a voyage scan detecting a change in ECA/Loadline/etc zone

Remarks - details of any additional information available for the location

ETA (Z) - the estimated time of arrival at the waypoint

ECA - the ECA zone in which the location exists or enters at that location

Loadline - the Loadline zone in which the location exists or enters at that location