PortToPort - V4.0 and Online Distance Tables

Distance to a port not in the Distance Tables

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Distance to a port not in the Distance Tables

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Distance to a port not in the Distance Tables

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The Distance Tables currently include over 3000 of the worlds ports that are most frequently visited by vessels engaged in international trades. Occasionally, a distance to a port which is not included with the Distance Tables may be required and by calculating a distance to the nearest port which has been included, this can easily be edited to give a very good approximation of the distance.  The nearest Distance Table port can be identified using the Ports Data Grid which lists over 8000 ports in total.


In this example we will use the editing capabilities of the software to get a distance for a voyage from New York to Aaheim and this will be accomplished by calculating a route from New York to the nearest Distance Tables port which is Maaloy.


The route will be edited by changing the properties of the Maaloy waypoint to those appropriate for Aaheim.


The waypoints in the port approach to Maaloy will be deleted and waypoints inserted into the route to generate the port approach into Aaheim.


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Calculating a distance to a port not in the Distance Tables